Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Goodbye 2010...Oh. Hello Australia.

2011. A new year. Well we’re 2 weeks in but this post is slightly delayed due to the fact that I have suffered the first mega cold of the year. Anyway, after much thought I have come to the conclusion that I much prefer New Year to Christmas. Christmas is a lovely time for the family which I do really enjoy, but I always find there is such a build up for a day that ends up being a bit of an anti- climax. Also, once Christmas is over with I always feel a sense of impatience for getting rid of the old year and bringing in the new one, and a hopefulness (nay, a certainty!), that the next year will be better. I don’t know why.

I used to be big on New Year’s resolutions: grow my nails, read more books, get fit etc. But after many failed attempts and unused gym memberships I have now learnt not to bother. This year, however, I decided that I need to get my life together. Since graduating from uni I have been drifting somewhat. As I mentioned in my first post I had these grand plans of going travelling, getting work experience and finding myself a job for when I get back. These were very much still in the planning stages and in fact, in the latter stages of 2010, there was a real danger that this was how they would remain, and that I would end up living at home working as a sales assistant forever! But it’s 2011 now and time for me to get a grip and I am pleased to inform you that my travel plans are almost a reality (route planned, and flights to be booked in the next few days) and I have started applying for work experience placements. I feel like I’m back on track.

The main thing holding me back on the travelling front was the fact that I was trying to find someone to go with. But having had several plans to go with various different people at different times, yet having not actually booked anything I realised that I may have to brave it alone. After a pep talk/harsh words from a couple of my oldest, dearest friends, I decided that it is what I should do. And now that I’ve made the decision I am excited, but also ever so slightly terrified. I know quite a lot of people go it alone, and that in reality you are never actually alone because if you do the proper traveller thing, that is using buses and roughing it in hostels, you meet loads of people and make lifelong friends. That’s the idea anyway. But there is a niggling of doubt that this may not happen for me and that I’ll probably end up being the girl on the bus that no one wants to sit next to. I had better start thinking of some good pick up lines if I am to lure some good travelling buddies!

The other worry I have is the actual day to day living side of travelling. Most of my friends and family know that I am not very good at slumming it- I don’t like camping, I can’t travel light and I am not the strongest of people (the idea of me carrying my life on my back for 3 months is laughable to most). But these sorts of trips are supposed to be life changing experiences are they not? And who knows, maybe I will come back a changed person. But if not, I am hoping that I can add a certain glamour to the whole backpacking image and have already starting flicking through Vogue for my must have items for next season. I just hope it doesn’t rain wherever I’m going. And even if my big life changing trip does go a bit Pete Tong, it’ll no doubt provide my dear friends with a good laugh.

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